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Cradle of Filth, Embroidered Vintage Overalls & Backpatch

Vintage patched overalls (60’s) embroidred by hand, inspired by Cradle of Filth
(English extreme metal band, formed in Suffolk, England in 1997. The band's musical style evolved originally from black metal to a cleaner and more "produced" amalgam of gothic metal, symphonic metal and other metal genres. – Wikipedia)
Various symbols of the band in front and on sleeves, vintage orignal backpatch Cradle of Filth – Dead girls don’t say no (early 90’s, the backpatch is used but for me it’s writtes 1991 but possibly 1997 …)
Damages and spots are du to age and use of the support
100% coton
Unisex – Unique size
Unique piece

Work in Progress

This collection is inspired by batlle jacket (heavy metal scene are often adorned with patches of logos and album covers of bands, ranging in size from small square patches to large patches that fill the back panel of the vest. Patches are the main decoration (try looking for the battle jacket history, initially invented in WW2 it’s very interesting ^^)) and the walls of teenage rooms from the 80s/90’s (mine was literally COVERED by posters and flags of my favorite musicians from the ground to the ceiling !).

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